The Learning Enrichment team empowers every student to achieve their maximum potential through extension programs and additional support pathways
We recognise that some students require additional support to attain their personal best, while others have capacity to be extended with additional challenges.
Students demonstrating exceptional academic potential are offered extension opportunities carefully crafted to stimulate their critical thinking and nurture their creativity. We provide an array of extra-curricular programs designed to continually challenge and enrich our high-achieving scholars.
Students who are identified as requiring extra learning support to unlock their full potential benefit from Individual Learning Plans, which allow the College to target individual goals and continually monitor progress. At Holy Cross, we collaborate with families and students to tailor learning programs that achieve individual success. These personalised programs are vigilantly overseen by our committed Learning Enrichment Team.
Learning Enrichment in the Junior School
Holy Cross College is dedicated to providing comprehensive support for all our students, ensuring their academic success. Our tailored approach includes Tier 2, small group support, and Tier 3, one-to-one support, for students in need of learning intervention.
Our intervention programs are data-driven, allowing us to closely monitor progress. As soon as the data indicates that a student has reached a level of proficiency that ensures their continued growth within a whole class environment, Tier 1 support, they seamlessly transition back.
All of our intervention programs are backed by scientific evidence, and we actively invest in professional development for our teaching and support staff to ensure the best outcomes for our students.

Learning Enrichment in the Middle and Senior School
Sustaining a strong emphasis on literacy advancement throughout Middle School remains a vital objective, particularly for students with distinct learning needs. In Years 7 to 10, we implement a specialised Literacy program designed to equip students requiring additional learning support with the essential literacy skills needed to excel as active and contributing members of society.
We understand that students’ social and emotional growth is equally vital for their success beyond school. For students in Years 7 to 9 requiring additional support to enhance their social and emotional skills, we curate authentic community-based learning experiences.
With a sole focus on providing comprehensive support for our students, our dedicated Learning Enrichment Team offers additional assistance within mainstream classroom settings, as well as in small group formats in our specialised learning space, The Plaza.
Neurosequential Model for Education at Holy Cross College
For students to pay attention and learn, lower brain networks must be regulated first. The Neurosequential Model framework recognises that the brain develops from the bottom up. By regulating the students, they can access the learning and thinking parts of their brain leading to optimal learning and engagement.
Through “Brain Mapping,” a targeted regulation program is designed specific to the student’s needs. Students engage in rhythmic, repetitive, sensory, and relational activities building these lower brain systems. These activities are built into the school day on a regular basis and become an essential part of their learning program at Holy Cross College.
Homework Club
The San Salvador Learning Resource Centre is open for students in Years 7 to 12 daily for study, revision, homework and to work collaboratively on group projects. The Centre is staffed with teachers from Monday to Thursday, 3.30pm – 4.30pm to offer all students additional assistance with their learning.
STRIVE (Gifted and Talented Program)
Building from the Holy Cross Vision from Learning, the STRIVE program is designed to provide our students with opportunities to access 21st-century learning, higher-order thinking strategies and engaging opportunities in a nurturing and enriching learning environment. The STRIVE program is targeted at Junior School and Middle School students.
Learning Enrichment Building
Tarma, a captivating city in Peru, embodies a rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. Sister Irene McCormack dedicated her life to education and community empowerment, inspiring compassion and justice.
Holy Cross College established a new K-12 learning area in 2022 named Tarma. It brings together students from diverse backgrounds. The inclusive space fosters collaboration and support among learners, including those in learning support, gifted and talented programs, EALD, and Year 12 ViSN ATAR classes. This environment enhances academic achievement and nurtures students’ unique strengths and potential. Irene McCormack’s legacy lives on through the Tarma learning area, fostering a sense of belonging and inspiration for future generations.