Holy Cross College reverse horizontal email


Social Justice Immersion

Catholic Social Teaching is rooted in scripture and forms the moral compass by which Catholics should live their lives. The foundations of the immersion experience include: 

  • the value of human dignity 
  • preferential option for the poor, and 
  • solidarity. 

A group of senior students were provided with opportunities to engage with organisations and individuals to learn about issues facing contemporary society and to consider and be a part of promoting action and service to generate better outcomes for others, whilst deepening the relationship with Christ. 

Over three days the students devoted their time, thoughts and efforts to social justice issues which included connections with Vinnies, Midland Meals, Shopfront, Homelessness services, WA Alliance, Ozanam House and Trinity College The students also participated in a midnight CBD walk with WA Police. The days concluded with a meal with the students’ families.  

This was not a camp, but a deliberate form of outreach, enacting all of HCC’s mission, vision and values. The immersion would not have been successful without the ‘generosity of spirit’ and the passion and goodwill of staff members. 

Thank you to our wonderful students, whose lives have been touched with a memory of a lifetime experience, that will enrich their own lives.

I thank our ‘Giving LIFE’ Coordinator, Daniel Bateman, for the preparation of the journals, and the organisation and planning of the days. Thank you also to Daniel Gevaux, Ben Bull, Chris Gooch, Kate Hasleby and other staff that contributed and/or stopped in for support.  Our staff members went above and beyond the expectations, and the feedback has been so positive.

Ms Julie Hornby